What is Just Drive

Explosions, Guns, Rocket Boosters, what more could you even want....oh, well too bad.


Rocket Boosters

Get your super speed fix with the insane boosts from the menu. Build up speed over a long time, and finish faster than anyone else. Or go for bursts of speed and jump hudge gaps, and blast through your opponants. Or just avoid all the opsticals and fly past every thing in syle.

Giant Guns

Guns guns guns. SO BASED, as the kids say these days. Everyoone uses guns and stuff its not speacial.

Ya, but do they pop out of the sides of your car like a transformer. Or shoot lasers that deal both health and charge damage.

Relax, guns are actwally intresting in this.


I mean, come on, who doesn't like good explosions. Also I watched Corridor crew that one time, so now I'm basically an expert.

Sexy Ladies

You wish, you pervert

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